Hello, I am
Cormac Farrelly an automation engineer an AI enthusiast a programmer :)

Hi there!

My name is Cormac Farrelly. I am an undergraduate engineer studying automation & robotics in TUS. I am passionate about AI, ML, and robotics. Eventually, I hope to establish a proficiency in AI.

Currently, I am:

  • Working on an AI-powered industrial part classification system for my final year project in university.
  • Developing my understanding of machine learning with freeCodeCamp courses.
  • Working with robotics and PLC's and higher-level programming languages in university.



Personal Projects

Dive into the world of my current projects, where software and electrical development meet. These applications represent my efforts in the field of Artificial Intelligence.

Take a look through robotics, automation, and machine learning with these projects. For anyone interested in the code powering these applications, the source is available on my GitHub.

Source Code & Dev